מצלמות היפרספקטרליות לרחפנים – סדרת SPECIM AFX

סדרת Specim AFX מהווה פתרון הדמיה היפרספקטרלי מתקדם עבור רחפנים שמיועדים ליישומי חישה מרחוק.


Specim AFX series is a state-of-the-art hyperspectral imaging solution for drones designed for remote sensing applications. It is an all-in-one device with a high-end hyperspectral sensor based on our successful Specim FX camera, a powerful computer, and a high-end GNSS/IMU unit.

Weighing just over 2 kg, the Specim AFX can be used on multiple drone types – multirotor or fixed-wing, with or without a gimbal. The capabilities of the AFX series range from full hyperspectral to flexible application-specific multispectral imaging.

The Specim AFX is a powerful tool for remote sensing and analysis, allowing for accurate and detailed insights into the spectral properties of a scene. It is widely used in remote sensing applications such as environmental and agricultural monitoring, vegetation analysis, mining and mineral exploration, and surveillance and security.


All-in-one casing means that Specim AFX has minimal cabling, making it simple to mount. The fully automated data acquisition following the mission flight plan allows easy operation.


Specim AFX has everything in a compact enclosure. A powerful onboard computer enables effective imaging and data pre-processing solutions and has a reserve for additional features.


Thanks to the large F1.7 aperture, Specim AFX uses the available light efficiently. Combined with the built-in image enhancement algorithm, it can collect high-quality data.


The multiple regions of interest (MROI) feature allows focusing on the relevant areas of interest, which reduces the amount of recorded data. It allows a flexible selection and rapid change of MROI areas based on the application needs. You can avoid getting stuck on a few fixed multispectral bands suitable only for some limited applications.


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מעבדה היפר ספקטראלית ניידת

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בדיקת עובי יריעות וציפויים דקים על ידי הדמיה היפר-ספקטרלית

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